Program Overview

The timetable for the events is based on Singapore time (GMT+8). The Full Schedule will be released at a later date.

May 13, 2024
May 14, 2024
May 15, 2024
May 16, 2024
May 17, 2024
08.30am - 09.00am Conference Opening
09.00am - 09.30am * AM Workshops
* AM Tutorials
* Coffee Break (10.30am to 11.00am)
* Web4All
* Emerging World Symposium
* Online Trust and Safety Day
* AM Workshops
* AM Tutorials
* Coffee Break (10.30am to 11.00am)

* Web4All
* PhD Symposium
* Health Day

* Large Language Model Day

Keynote Keynote Keynote
09.30am - 10.00am
10.00am - 10.30am Coffee Break Poster Set-up Coffee Break Poster Set-up Coffee Break Poster Set-up
10.30am - 11.00am

Oral Sessions:

* Research Tracks
* Industry
* Web4Good

Oral Sessions:

* Research Tracks
* Web4Good

Oral Sessions:

* Research Tracks
* Resource Track
* Industry

11.00am - 11.30am
11.30am - 12.00pm
12.00pm - 12.30pm Lunch * Industry & Web4Good Poster Session Lunch * Short Paper Poster Session
* Demo Session
12.30pm - 01.00pm Lunch Lunch
01.00pm - 01.30pm

Oral Sessions:

* Research Tracks
* Industry

01.30pm - 02.00pm * PM Workshops
* PM Tutorials
* Coffee Break (3.00pm to 3.30pm)
* PM Workshops
* PM Tutorials
* Coffee Break (3.00pm to 3.30pm)
Panel Keynote
02.00pm - 02.30pm
02.30pm - 03.00pm

Oral Sessions:

* Research Tracks
* Industry
* History of the Web

Oral Sessions:

* Research Tracks
* Industry
* History of the Web

Coffee Break & Research Poster Session (RecSys, Mining)
03.00pm - 03.30pm
03.30pm - 04.00pm
04.00pm - 04.30pm Coffee Break Poster Set-up Coffee Break Poster Set-up Town Hall & Closing Ceremony
04.30pm - 05.00pm

* Research Poster Session (Econ, Graph, RespWeb, Search)

* Research Poster Session (Security, Semantics, Social, Systems)

05.00pm - 05.30pm
05.30pm - 06.00pm Welcome Reception at Tipsy Unicorn beach club
06.00pm - 06.30pm
06.30pm - 07.00pm Evening Special at Universal Studios Singapore
07.00pm - 07.30pm
07.30pm - 08.00pm
08.00pm - 08.30pm
08.30pm - 09.00pm
09.00pm - 09.30pm
09.30pm - 10.00pm
10.00pm - 10.30pm
10.30pm - 11.00pm